Week 6 - Laptop with legs?

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That evening everyone went to the opening presentation and screening of Heremokono. It was really strange in the office after the urgent bustle of the day that now it was empty and peaceful. I helped lock the windows and left Fatima to lock up. Later that evening around midnight, shortly after I got home, Lydia called me, as she needed to get into the office, and then again shortly after to say it was ok because Felician had let her in. Sunday morning at 7:30am Charlotte phoned asking for the office key. She made her way round to my street and I threw the key down to her; the joy of being a key holder.

Great concern at 9:15am this morning as it was discovered that a laptop had gone missing from the office sometime since the previous evening. I had nearly reached the office when I met Imruh (Festival Director) and Fatma. They were very concerned to know where my key was and when the office had been open.

On Monday morning it was requested that all key holders attend the local police station to give a statement. I suggested, as there was a group of us we took a ZIFF minibus and proceeded to wait ages for the all-important key holders to finish meetings and get off the phone so we could share the ride. At the Police station organisation was still sadly lacking. Imruh had already been there several hours and was still being interviewed so three of us sat on a bench overlooking the back streets of Stone Town, waiting to be called. It wasn’t as if we had nothing better to do.

After lending my Nokia phone to the Executive Director so she could check out the games and waiting all of 20 minutes I’m afraid the European in me got impatient. How long would we be waiting? Did they want to see us together or one at a time? I for one had things to do and I hoped our Executive Director and Music Director were similarly anxious to get on with their jobs. Ok, so it turned out they would want to see each of in turn. Ok, so each interview would take about 30 minutes… How about we made appointments then? Let’s say 1:30pm, 2pm, and 2:30pm?

I’m not sure if I was more dismayed that this was accepted or that Yvonne our Kenyan Executive Director decided we should walk back to "save money", to me for one, time was of the essence.

As I had made the fuss they suggested I went back first, but after further discussion we agreed it would suit everyone better for me to go third. When I turned up for my interview the other two were sat on the same bench – things were obviously not going to plan. Nevertheless when CID called for the next witness I was encouraged to take my slot, leaving our Directors still waiting for a further half an hour.

Week 6 - Laptop with legs?

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