Heron on the Nile
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  Displaced People Nuba: Hope and Plans  

Later in the day I meet up with Gissma, one of my mature lady students from the southern campus. She's from Karko village in the Nuba Mountains. Well strictly speaking her family are from there. Her aging parents are now living in Omdurman. She's an only child so feels tied to their well being at the expense of returning to Karko, marriage, or any other distraction. She has told me of an organisation called El Kak set up to help the people of Nuba to return and rebuild their lives after the disruption of civil war. Today I'm going to meet them.

They have hopes and plans, even proposals for projects to build a new school (there was once a school of eight classrooms but it has long since fallen into disrepair), a clinic and to facilitate repatriation of people from IDP camps; mostly from around Khartoum.

Apparently there are many from Nuba Mountains in an area of Omdurman they call "Angola". One lesser project is to have a cultural festival here in the capital to promote awareness and celebrate the traditions of these people.

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